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NECE Conference 2016 – Review
This year’s NECE conference "Crossing Borders. Migration and Citizenship Education in Europe" took place from 10-12 November 2016 in Zagreb (Croatia). Make sure to take a look at the NECE website, where you’ll find opening speeches, keynotes and abstracts of contributions by speakers such as David Goodhart, Jan Schneider, Noha El-Mikawy, Michalis Kakos, David Kerr and others, a photo gallery, conference program, list of participants and biography dossier. Many other photos, as well as plenty of videos and articles, can be found on the NECE blog.
NECE 2016 Report: Networking against Crises!
by Christoph Müller-Hofstede, bpb Against the backdrop of the US elections results from November 8, the NECE 2016 conference was shaped from the very first moment by a sense of urgency among the more than 300 participants.
Read more here.
NECE Magazine 2016
Our new NECE Magazine brings you the latest on citizenship education in Europe and neighboring countries. This issue features essays from Jan-Werner Müller, David Kerr and Ivo Pertijs, interviews with Ivan Krastev, Audrey Osler, Monis Bukhari, and much more information on what NECE is all about.
The publication is available as a download (.pdf) here.
NECE Book: Beyond Us vs. Them. Citizenship Education with Hard-to-Reach Learners
With a broad range of insights on a burning issue for democratic societies, this volume looks at how citizenship education can reach out to socially marginalized and politically hard-to-reach groups. Complete with reports from everyday practice and academic research from 10 European countries, it offers new findings and plenty of food for thought.
To place an order or access a free download of the book, please visit: http://www.bpb.de/shop/buecher/schriftenreihe/236777/beyond-us-versus-them.
Crossing Borders: Migration and Citizenship Education
by Noha El-Mikawy, Ph.D., Ford Foundation
“Migration is most known as the crossing of borders. But it is also the transformation of assets. When we move, we leave behind both our home location but some of our assets. We don’t leave behind our past; it is packed with us in one of our bags. And we don’t leave behind our dreams for a better future, though often a displaced person finds it hard to dream.”
Read the article here.
Seeking: Your Contribution to the NECE Newsletter!
You want to get involved in citizenship education in Europe or North Africa? You already initiate projects aimed at promoting democratic values and tolerance in your country or region? You think NECE is right or wrong about a specific issue, and want to start a debate? Tell us about it! At the NECE newsletter, we look forward to your input! Send your ideas to: nece@lab-concepts.de
Welcome to a new section of the newsletter, where our aim is to give Europeans a voice. How do you assess the current situation in Europe? What effects are events having on citizenship education? In this issue, we’ve decided to get the ball rolling with a statement from:
Thomas Schmid on the state of the European Union
“It’s so obvious that it’s hard to say it any more: Europe and its political framework, the European Union, are in pretty bad shape. Many Europeans are no longer convinced by the good – and historically new – idea of a continent based on voluntary agreement and fundamental rights. To overcome this hurdle and ensure that support for Europe doesn’t dissipate among the people who populate this continent, European policy needs to be more energetic, wiser and more concentrated. The job can no longer be performed by the left hand alone. The issue belongs to the center. To this end, parties and politicians must intervene. And they must not conceal the fact that for each state, European unification also means the division of sovereignty for the benefit of all. What does this mean for citizenship education? More than ever before, it should show – across the continent – how much we all benefit from the EU. Erasmus+, education, research...Europe is on the right path to becoming a unified continent and mobilizing its resources, which are primarily human resources, for the benefit of all its people. That's not enough, but it’s still a lot. The problem is that few people know just how much citizenship education can change.”
Thomas Schmid is a German journalist, and the author of the book "Europa ist tot, es lebe Europa! Eine Weltmacht muss sich neu erfinden" (Europe is dead, long live Europe! A world power needs to reinvent itself). A former managing editor of the German daily “Die Welt”, Schmid was a leading activist in rights movements in Germany during the late 1960s. More recently, he was a panel member on the discussion “Europe and its Visegrád states. Aftermath of the Iron Curtain?” on 5 December 2016. That talk was one event in the “Checkpoint bpb – die Montagsgespräche” (English: Checkpoint bpb – Monday Discussions) series being held in Berlin twice a month..
Youth Policy Manual for Arab Countries – How to Develop a National Youth Strategy
What is ‘youth policy’ exactly? What major elements should a national youth policy strategy include? How can young people be consulted and otherwise involved in developing youth policy? Those are just a few of the essential questions addressed in this publication. The Youth Policy Manual is a source work, a tool and a helpful guide for policymakers in the field, as well as for NGOs and other stakeholder groups seeking to improve youth policy at the national level.
The manual is available in both English and Arabic here.
EUROPA: An Illustrated Introduction to Europe for Migrants and Refugees
This book was initiated by a group of photographers and journalists who have been covering both the refugee crisis in Europe and the many contexts across the Middle East, Asia and Africa that gave rise to these migrations. With front-row seats to the challenges faced by people newly arrived in Europe, the media professionals have created a work specifically aimed to help migrants and the people who work with them. The book was published in cooperation with the Allianz Cultural Foundation.
Find out more here.
Lifelong Learning Platform
The Lifelong Learning Platform is an umbrella association that brings together 40 organizations active in the fields of education, training and youth affairs from all over Europe and beyond. Currently these networks represent more than 50,000 educational institutions and agencies in practically every sector of formal, non-formal and informal learning. In all, the platform’s members reach millions of beneficiaries.
Find out more here.
Institute for Peace and Dialogue (IPD)
The Institute for Peace and Dialogue is an independent, international non-profit and non-religious institute located in Lucerne (Switzerland). IPD is dedicated to preventing potential conflicts between and within states, companies and communities through strengthening institutional dialogue, mediation and academic education with the participation of civil societies, INGOs, business and state institutions.
Find out more here.
Croatian Youth Network
The Croatian Youth Network (MMH) is an alliance of 66 non-governmental youth organizations acting as the National Youth Council in the Republic of Croatia. MMH is founded on principles and values of inclusion, openness, participation, solidarity, tolerance and equality, rule of law, autonomy and independence.
Find out more here.
Education and Training Monitor 2016
The Education and Training Monitor is an annual publication that captures the evolution of education and training in the EU. It contributes to the objectives of the EU strategic framework for cooperation in education and training. The Commission's overall strategy for growth and employment link to another EC website and the European Semester cycle of economic policy co-ordination.
Find out more here.
International Parliamentary Scholarship Program for Arab Countries 2017
Deadline for applications is 31 January 2017.
The German Bundestag is offering selected candidates the opportunity to get to know the German parliamentary system through an intensive program. Against the backdrop of the Bundestag elections taking place in 2017, participants will have the opportunity during a one-week internship in an MP’s constituency to experience the work carried out there, and to interact with political decision-makers. Successful candidates will be chosen by the German Bundestag’s independent selection panel.
Find out more here.
European Angst – Conference on Populism, Extremism and Euro-Scepticism in Today’s European Societies
Populism, extremism and Euro-scepticism are haunting Europe, creating a tense atmosphere in which fear, hate, anger and anxiety converge. And the more momentum populist parties and movements gain, the more clueless the established political, cultural and legislative institutions seem to be. There is a climate of European Angst. A conference on the topic was held on 6-7 December 2016 in Brussels. European Angst is an initiative sponsored by Goethe-Institut Brussels, the city’s Center for Fine Arts (BOZAR) and four EUNIC members: the Czech Centre, the Alliance française de Bruxelles-Europe, the Italian Cultural Institute and the Polish Institute in Brussels.
You’ll find documentation on the conference here.
European Ideas Lab
Brussels, Belgium, 3 – 5 February 2017
The Greens/European Free Alliance invite changemakers and activists to discuss their ideas during the European Ideas Lab in Brussels. The central topics at the lab will be democracy (transparency, participation, exclusion and democratic rights), social justice, greening the economy, environment, urban movements & access to housing, migration, asylum and integration.
Find out more here.
Preventing Early School Leaving Through Inclusive Strategies
Budapest, Hungary, 24 – 30 April 2017 Preventing Early School Leaving Through Inclusive Strategies (PEARLS) is a three-year European strategic partnership in the field of school (2104-2017) that is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. In it, nine educational institutions from five countries are collaborating to tackle the challenge of early school-leaving in Europe. The main outcome will be an international teacher training course in Budapest (Hungary). Teachers, headmasters and other staff in the field of education can receive a EU grant to attend if they apply under Key Action 1 in Erasmus+. The deadline for application is 2 February 2017.
Find out more here.
You can find more current publications on citizenship education in Europe at the NECE website.
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The NECE Newsletter is published regularly and distributed via e-mail. It is available to anyone on the www.nece.eu website. The newsletter is published by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), which is responsible for its content according to definitions laid down by the German Telemedia Act.
Further contact information:
German Federal Agency for Civic Education
Adenauerallee 86
53113 Bonn (Germany
www.bpb.de / www.nece.eu
If you have any questions please e-mail to: nece@lab-concepts.de
The NECE newsletter contains information about current professional debates in the field of citizenship education in Europe. We hope it will serve as an important tool of communication and co-operation among stakeholders and institutions in Europe actively engaged in citizenship education. Our aim is to increase transparency for national actors in this field and for the growing NECE network.