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Announcement: NECE 2016 „Crossing Borders. Migration and Citizenship Education in Europe“
10-12 November, 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
This year's conference will focus on the issues "migration" and "exodus"/"refugees" in Europe. How can Citizenship Edcuation in theory and practice adapt to these challenging processes related to immigration societies?
You will find further information regarding programme and registration shortly via www.nece.eu.
Flashback: Trailer NECE Conference 2015 in Thessaloniki
The NECE trailer is finished! You’ll find many interviews with speakers, participants and impressions from Thessaloniki here:
NECE trailer
Focus Group Exchange between Europe and North Africa
Last October, 30 participants from North Africa and Europe joined the Focus Group Meeting in Thessaloniki ahead of the NECE 2015 Conference to prepare for the event through in-depth discussions on the topics of ‘othering’ and ‘radicalisation of youth’. The meeting’s emphasis was on presentations, primarily of projects and case studies carried out in Europe and North Africa on the two subjects. Several working groups also discussed challenges and appropriate citizenship education approaches to the phenomena of ‘othering’ and ‘radicalisation’ in light of experiences from both sides of the Mediterranean.
Documentation of the meeting is available at the focus group website.
The Editorial Team met from 14-17 January 2016 in Berlin to discuss the current status of the upcoming publication on “The Making of Citizens in Europe and North Africa”, as well as to plan further steps. Participants also discussed the focus group’s possible input and contribution to the upcoming Citizenship Education Conference in Tunis.
Cultural Innovators Network (CIN)
CIN is a cross-sectoral network of young activists from countries both north and south of the Mediterranean that promotes mechanisms of democratic and inclusive discourse, exchange of working experiences, acceptance of innovative approaches and mutual consultation/cooperation. Initiated by the Goethe-Institut and the German Federal Foreign Office’s Transformation Projects Initiative, the network has received ongoing support from those two sponsors, and benefited from their close ties and infrastructure. The young CIN members seek to offer solutions, encourage alternatives and advocate change in times of political and economic crises – actions that epitomize the spirit of the Cultural Innovators Network.
Find out more here.
The Aladdin Project
The Aladdin Project is an independent, international NGO based in Paris. The project’s goal is to promote harmonious intercultural relations, particularly among Jews and Muslims, and it seeks to facilitate the exchange of mutual knowledge by producing and translating books, films, documentaries, websites and other sources of information into the languages of the populations involved. Other efforts include using modern media to reach out to those who yearn and work for peace and mutual respect.
Find out more here.
The EU Delegation to Egypt and EU Member States have launched a Facebook page to showcase various European cultural activities and events they are partnering or launching in Egypt. Among other activities, the EU is funding a project entitled “Support to Cultural Diversity and Creativity in Egypt”, which is the first bilateral cultural programme of this scope in the Mediterranean region. The project is to focus on modern cultural expressions, and will build on both direct cooperation with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and grants to cultural operators.
Find out more here.
European Civic Forum
The European Civic Forum brings together over a hundred NGOs and associations in 27 European countries that have daily commitments to the public interest in a range of fields. Its objectives are to build a genuine European civil dialogue – a prerequisite for a civic and popular ownership of European matters that must be anchored deeply in institutional working methods.
Find out more here.
Transition Dialogue: Mapping A Generation – Network Project
The “Mapping A Generation” network investigates diverse experiences related to political transition processes. Its aim is to find out more about the specific conditions that civil society activism can employ to help shape societies in transition for the better.
We want to know what motivates people to become drivers of change. The project links up organisations from Bulgaria (Sofia Platform), Croatia (Zaklada znanje na djelu/Knowledge at Work Foundation), the Czech Republic (Antikomplex), Germany (Perspektive³, DRA), Russia (Sakharov Center) and Ukraine (Congress of Cultural Activists). The network is coordinated by the Berlin-based German-Russian Exchange (DRA), an organisation that promotes dialogue and cooperation between people from Germany, Russia and other European countries in order to foster civil society, freedom rights and mutual understanding. The Transition Dialogue is funded by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education.
Find out more here.
Kiron – Offering Higher Education for Refugees
Kiron is an open project that provides refugees in Europe with the opportunity to graduate from an institute of higher education free of charge through a network of worldwide partner universities. Students in the program can study flexibly from anywhere in the world at their own pace, since the first two years of the degree program are online. The special circumstances are taken into account through the offer of additional services, which include university preparation courses, language classes, psychological counselling, life coaching, hardware, internet access and facilities such as a campus in Berlin, which offers a culture of welcome and much more.
Find out more here.
Youtube – Living together in Germany: Expectations in Participation/Tolerance
The following links are two short videos produced by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, which is affiliated with Germany’s Green Party. They are helpful in describing some of the basic terms, rules and expectations for foreigners who have decided to come – and possibly live long-term – in Germany:
Living together in Germany: Participation Living together in Germany: Tolerance
Strengthening the Position and Role of Education: Paris Declaration of the European Commission and Civil Society Day
At the end of last year in Brussels, the European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) and the Lifelong Learning Platform (EUCIS-LLL) organised a Civil Society Day focused on the follow-up to the Paris Declaration. This meeting aimed for a more in-depth debate, allowing civil society organisations to weigh in on topics such as the place and role of education in promoting equity, non-discrimination, fundamental values, intercultural competences and active citizenship.
The results of these discussions will feed in to the work of the DG EAC as it connects to the follow-up of the Paris Declaration, as well as to the related priorities of the Education and Training (ET) 2020 Joint Report adopted by the Council on 23 November 2015.
Find out more here.
EACEA Programme 2016-2020
The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) has published priorities for its 2016-2020 programme. The declaration specifically involves funding initiatives to strengthen remembrance and enhance civic participation at the EU level.
Find out more here.
EU Projects for Migrants and Refugees
This website offers a collection of 711 projects that are funded by the EU budget. Aimed at improving the lives of people worldwide, the projects are related to the fields of employment, regional development, research and education, environment, humanitarian aid, energy and many others.
You can find more information
European Commission: European Citizens’ Initiatives
A European citizens' initiative is an invitation from the European Commission to propose legislation on matters where the EU has been granted competence to legislate. A citizens' initiative has to be backed by at least a million citizens from at least seven of the 28 EU Member States. A further requirement is that a minimum number of signatories must come from each of those seven Member States.
You can find more information and the complete list of initiatives here.
Call for partners for Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Europe Alive – Computer Assisted Simulation in Education
The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership-grant requires three partners from EU-member countries or partner countries. So far, there are two partners from Denmark (Dansk Kommunikation and the publishing house for the Association of Social Science Teachers Columbus) but partners with knowledge and experience with the national secondary educational sector are needed. The partners will help ensuring that the teaching materials developed in Europe Alive will be generic enough to fit other member countries’ curricula on the European Union.
Europe Alive is a day long interactive role play that will bring students closer to the European Union through physical interactions and information from a computer.
If interested in partnering or if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact senior consultant Kirsten Jensen (kirsten@dakom.dk - mobile: +45 22515723) or Project Manager Marie Louise Schaumburg-Müller (marielouise@dakom.dk - mobile: +45 29476520)
Find out more here. Deadline: 31st March, 2016
Call for Applications – International Conference on Intercultural Education at the Crossroads
The Tom Lantos Institute is organising a major conference on intercultural education. Together with the Institute for Intercultural Psychology and Education (IIPE) at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest and the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE) – and in cooperation with the International Association for Cooperation in Education (IASCE) ¬– the Hungary-based institute invites interested parties to attend. Taking place from 5-10 September 2016 in Budapest, the conference will examine themes like Mobilities, Transitions, Transformations and Intercultural Education at the Crossroads
For interested applicants from the CEE and SEE regions, the TLI is offering up to 10 scholarships to cover travel and accommodation expenses.
You can find scholarship applications on the following website:
Conference Website
Call for papers
Deadline for the submission of draft conference paper for scholarship applicants: Sunday, 3 April 2016.
New Call for “Advocate Europe” Contest
“Your idea for Europe” – that’s what the organisers of the contest “Advocate Europe” want to hear! Once again MitOst e.V., the Mercator Foundation and Liquid Democracy e.V. are looking for transnational project proposals from people who want to play an active role in civil society. Proposed initiatives should be aimed at fostering European cohesion in times of crisis. The twelve most innovative ideas will be receive funding of up to €50,000, and will be provided with mentoring during the project’s implementation phase.
Find out more here.
Call for Proposals – 2016 Erasmus+ Programme Guide
Published in December 2015, this Guide provides a wealth of information on conditions, funding and related factors. Special focuses in this edition are encouraging projects that support social inclusion (notably of refugees and migrants), and preventing radicalisation. Organisations or institutions that would like to be included in the Guide are invited to apply online.
Find out more here.
23rd EUROCLIO Annual Conference: Reimagining Remembrance
Belfast, United Kingdom, 19-24 March 2016
Societies that have experienced conflicts and finally reached peace accords have difficulty in moving from “negative” to “positive” peace. Remembering and commemorating the difficult past often presents particular challenges in the reconciliation process for governments, civil society and history educators. Northern Ireland is no exception to this. The conference aims to explore the question of “How to teach controversial history in a responsible manner” through a highly (inter)active and engaging programme with workshops, dialogue tables, open spaces, on-site study visits, public debate and reflective and interactive panels. The conference will provide a platform of intercultural exchange in which the participants will actively learn, share best practices and network.
Find out more here.
26th Annual Conference – Belgrade 2016
Belgrade, Serbia, 21-22 April 2016
EURASHE is organising its 26th annual conference in conjunction with the Conference of Academies of Applied Studies Serbia (CAASS). Entitled “Centres of cooperation striving for excellence: professional higher education and the world of work”, the event will take place in Belgrade (Serbia) in April 2016.
Find out more here.
CEC Conference in Tunis (Tunisia)
Tunis, Tunisia, 13 – 15 May 2016
Conference languages: English/Arabic
From May 13 -15 2016, the second Civic Education Conference (CEC) will take place in Tunisia. Building on the first one which took place in December 2013 in Alexandria, the conference through a participatory approach will focus on assessing the development of the sector, build on the 60 recommendations, and update them in an effort to align to the current context ensuring relevance.
The conference is organized by the Goethe Institute, DEDI, the German Federal Agency for Civic Education and Union des Tunisiens Indépendants pour la Liberté (UTIL).
You can find more current publications on citizenship education in Europe at the NECE website.
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The NECE Newsletter is published regularly and distributed via e-mail. It is available to anyone on the www.nece.eu website. The newsletter is published by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), which is responsible for its content according to definitions laid down by the German Telemedia Act.
Further contact information:
German Federal Agency for Civic Education
Adenauerallee 86
53113 Bonn (Germany
www.bpb.de / www.nece.eu
If you have any questions please e-mail to: nece@lab-concepts.de
The NECE newsletter contains information about current professional debates in the field of citizenship education in Europe. We hope it will serve as an important tool of communication and co-operation among stakeholders and institutions in Europe actively engaged in citizenship education. Our aim is to increase transparency for national actors in this field and for the growing NECE network.