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Announcement NECE Conference 2013
"The EU and the promise of democracy: What can Citizenship Education and Civil Society contribute?"
14-16 November 2013, The Hague (The Netherlands)
Aimed at sparking a debate on the roles of citizenship and citizenship education, this year's NECE Conference will discuss future scenarios for reshaping the EU. With an eye on the elections to the European Parliament taking place in May 2014, NECE 2013 will explore the topics of participation and democratisation in the European Union. Against the backdrop of these issues, the NECE Conference will discuss the next moves the EU could take, as well as their possible consequences for citizenship education, and examine proposals for critically testing and reflecting European policy campaigns, discourses and projects in the face of crisis.
More information and pre-registration: NECE Conference 2013
NECE Preparatory Workshop for the NECE Conference
The documentation for the NECE scenario workshop held from 7-9 July 2013 in The Hague (the Netherlands) is now available on the NECE Website.There you will find background papers from the keynote speakers and the workshop programme, as well as the list of participants and some photographic impressions of the event.
Meeting Meeting of the Focus Group “Hard-to-reach learners and youth”
This focus group is aimed at following up on the results and initiatives discussed during the NECE Conference in Warsaw 2011 which focused on empowerment and educationally disadvantaged groups in European societies. In order to develop strategies for efficient future networking and to create a presentation concept for the group at this year’s NECE Conference, the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb is inviting experts and practitioners in this field to Berlin.
More information and registration: Hard-to-reach learners and youth
Meeting of the Focus Group „Participatory Budgeting“
Participatory budgets have the potential to strengthen collaboration between citizens, politics and administrations. This focus group is aimed at presenting models of participatory budgeting and kicking off new initiatives in this field. In order to develop strategies for efficient future networking and to create a presentation concept for the group at this year’s NECE Conference, a workshop is planned for the 11-12 October at the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb in Berlin.
More information and registration: Participatory Budgeting
Meeting of the Focus Group “Exchange between Europe and North Africa”
8-10 December 2013, Alexandria (Egypt)
The next meeting of this focus group will take place within the framework of the Civic Education Conference Egypt (CECE) in Alexandria. The CECE is organised by the Goethe-Institut Cairo and the Tahrir Lounge.
More information and registration: Focus group meeting at the CECE.
Re-naming the “Intercultural Glossary Project” and its respective Focus Group
Some of the group members have reported that the project name (IGP) seemed to be more of a hindrance than a door-opener when it came to generating interest and cooperation, since many found the term “glossary” misleading. The group members therefore brainstormed, clustered, deliberated and voted. Their final decision was to rename both the project and focus group, which from now on will be known as:
CLEAR = Concept – Learning for – Empowerment through – Analysis and – Reflection.
Find out more at: Focus Group “CLEAR”
Sofia Platform – Bridging Europe and the Middle East
The Sofia Platform is a democracy assistance organization for countries and societies undergoing a process of transition. It seeks to foster the development and consolidation of democratic structures and practices by drawing on the experiences and lessons – learned and not learned – from the years of transition in Southeast Europe. Read the full article at: NECE Newsletter.
Find out more at: Sofia Platform - Bridging Europe and the Middle East Contact: Louisa Slavkova, e-mail: louisa.slavkova@gmail.com
Civic Education Conference Egypt (CECE)
8 - 10 December 2013, Alexandria (Egypt)
Within the framework of the German-Egyptian transformation partnership, the Goethe-Institut Cairo and the Tahrir Lounge are organising a conference in co-operation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation and the German Federal Agency for Civic Education/ bpb that focuses on the role of civic education and civil society during democratic transition. The conference will seek to address questions on exactly how civic education methods foster responsible citizenship. European stakeholders from the field of citizenship education are warmly invited to participate
For more information and registration: Goethe-Institut Cairo
Islam & Citizenship Education Project
This project has been developed and coordinated by the School Development Support Agency (SDSA) with funding from Department for Education and the Department for Communities and Local Government. The SDSA is a not-for-profit company, and is best described as a leader of partnerships and projects that improve outcomes for children and young people. The project team has taken the national citizenship programme of study that UK schools use and added the Islamic guidance. Our approach is essentially to teach citizenship values through the Islamic perspective. Our overarching conclusion is clear: citizenship values and Islamic values are broadly compatible. Indeed all participants agreed-that to be a good Muslim is to be a good citizen.
We would like to draw your attention also to our forthcoming European conference "Boosting Achievement: Claiming the Benefits of Diversity". It is a five days residential conference starting from 2nd April 2014.
Find out more at Boosting Achievement
EU-MFF 2014-2020 agreement reached: a budget for Erasmus+
Negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), which will define the 2014-2020 EU budget, have just been closed. After more than a month of tense trialogue negotiations, the Presidents of the three EU institutions met to try to break the gridlock. An agreement was finally reached on 27 June 2013.
Find out more at: Dare Network
The EU Citizenship Report 2013 is out!
In its 2013 EU Citizenship Report, the Commission is putting forward twelve new actions in six key areas to remove obstacles that continue to stand in the way of citizens being able to enjoy their full rights in the EU. The report was published within the framework of the European Year of Citizens 2013.
Find out more at: Europa.eu
Citizenship education now taught in all European countries, but specialist training for teachers still inadequate
According to a study published by the European Commission, all EU Member States have now integrated 'citizenship education' into both primary and secondary school curricula – although countries have taken a variety of different approaches to implementation. Improving knowledge and skills for teaching the subject remains a challenge, says the report. It also finds that schools in all European countries have introduced rules and recommendations aimed at encouraging democratic practices and participation, and that more than half have implemented at least one publicly-financed programme or project to cultivate citizenship-related values and attitudes outside school.
Find out more at: http://ec.europa.eu/education/news/20120531b_en.htm
Memorandum to the Council of Europe regarding the Spanish government’s project to remove democratic citizenship and human rights education in school curriculum
Like the majority of European countries, Spain incorporated democratic citizenship and human rights education into its educational system in 2006. The Spanish government’s plan is to suppress “Citizenship and human rights education” despite the fact that the Supreme Court ruled that the course is legal and legitimate.
Find out more at: Memorandum
Final report on the impact of the EfC programme
The study on the “Europe for Citizens” programme deals with the issue of the results and impact of the programme and of the data it collected. The study can be downloaded here.
Find out more at: Europa.eu
The State of Civil Society 2013 report
CIVICUS is an international alliance dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society throughout the world. The vision of CIVICUS is a worldwide community of informed, inspired, committed citizens engaged in confronting the challenges facing humanity. The 2013 State of Civil Society report draws from nearly 50 contributions made by people active in civil society all over the world.
Find out more at: State of Civil Society Report
Call for Papers: (JSSE 2014-2) Young Europeans in an Era of Crises: Citizenship Education in a New Perspective
This issue will focus on young Europeans’ understanding of civics and citizenship and their perceptions, attitudes and behaviours with respect to specific European-related civic and political issues, institutions and policies. It will examine youth interest in public and political engagement, perceptions of threats to civil society and democratic values. Submission deadline: 20 December 2013.
Find out more at: Journal of Social Science Education
German Foundation Day, 1 October 2013
Each year on October 1st, Germany’s foundations come together in a common effort to highlight the value of their work with a day of action aimed at raising awareness for public benefit foundations. All over the country, they host events and activities and invite the public to learn more about the social impact these institutions have. All German public benefit foundations are invited to participate.
Find out more at: German Foundation Day
Conference: Deepening Democracy: Participation, Deliberation or Both?
University of Bradford (UK), 12-14 September 2012
This academic conference is aimed at academics, research students and democracy practitioners. Its aim is to enable participants to share their research and work, as well as to participate in a dialogue about the field of participatory and deliberative democracy.
Find out more at: University of Bradford
Culture Action Europe Public Conference
4-5 October 2013, Rome (Italy)
The Culture Action Europe conference has a long-established tradition as a key focal point for operators, activists and campaigners. It also provides a venue for leading figures from European institutions to get together and debate the issues that are determining Europe's future. This year's conference will inspire, argue and debate the vital role of individual and social cultural capacities in building a way out of a deadlock that is threatening Europe, its people and democracy.
Find out more at: Culture Action Europe
Transeuropa Festival
4-27 October 2013 in Europe
This festival places culture and arts at the core of the debate about Europe and will be tackling the notion of citizenship in contemporary Europe, as well as stressing its cultural dimension as a counter-narrative to the juridical use of the term. In the context of the European Year of Citizens and the perspective of the EP elections in 2014, the Transeuropa Festival 2013 turns its eyes towards the role of artists in thinking the future of Europe and of its societies and improving European Democracies.
Find out more at: Transeuropa Festival
Borders to Cross Conference 2013: On democratic innovation and civic-driven change
29-31 October 2013, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
Europe is bursting with examples of democratic innovation and social change. Citizens are taking public matters into their own hands, driving change through efforts to improve the neighbourhoods and cities in which they live. Government officials are also experimenting with new forms of practical deliberation, which reshape relationships with the public and other stakeholders. “Borders to Cross” will bring together practitioners from public service, civil society and the market to discuss possible answers to the questions of democratic renewal and social change.
For more information and registration: Borders to Cross
Current publications on the issue of citizenship education in Europe you may find at the NECE website.
You receive the NECE Newsletter because you subscribe and confirmed to receive information about the NECE-Networking European Citizenship Education initiative. If you would like to unsubscribe, please click here. The NECE Newsletter is published regularly and is distributed via e-mail and is open to everyone on the website: www.nece.eu.
The NECE newsletter is published by: Federal Agency for Civic Education, Germany Responsible in the sense of the German Tele-Media-Law. Adenauerallee 86, 53113 Bonn (Germany) www.bpb.de / www.nece.eu
If you have any questions please e-mail to: nece@lab-concepts.de
The NECE newsletter contains information about current professional debates in the field of citizenship education in Europe. We hope it will serve as an important tool of communication and co-operation among stakeholders and institutions in Europe actively engaged in citizenship education. Our aim is to increase transparency for the national actors in this field and for the growing NECE network.