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NECE Conference "100 Years after the First World War: Conflicts in and around Europe – Can Citizenship Education contribute to conflict management?"
16-18 October 2014, Vienna (Austria)
Since 2014 is marked by the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, this year’s NECE Conference will discuss the legacy of the First World War and turn towards questions of recent conflicts and the potential of citizenship education in conflict management and reconciliation processes.
Against this backdrop, experts and practitioners in citizenship education will approach and discuss crisis and conflict intervention measures that can be connected from this historic starting point to current conflicts, conflict management and reconciliation today. Furthermore, NECE will elaborate on questions of whether citizenship education can help solve or even prevent conflicts and frictions not only at local, national and transnational levels, but also across borders.
Therefore, the Vienna conference will offer opportunities for critical debate and the option of actively participating in numerous parallel workshops, targeting aspects, and a project market will be provided to present good practice projects in citizenship education. The Federal President of Austria, Heinz Fischer, has already confirmed his participation and will give the opening speech on 17 October 2014.
In preparation for the NECE Conference 2014, the NECE Initiative hosted a European workshop in Belgrade (Serbia). A number of scholars, multipliers and civil society stakeholders from south-eastern Europe were invited to discuss the repercussions of conflict and conflict management in Europe today and the associated role of citizenship education as a means of generating relevant themes and aspects for the annual conference of the NECE Network. Apart from aspects like the culture of remembrance and common European perceptions of history, all kinds of questions to do with conflict and conflict management were the focus of open and participatory discussions. The workshop results will be fed into preparations for the content of the NECE Conference.
Pre-registration for the NECE Conference is possible via e-mail at nece-vienna2014@lab-concepts.de Further information will be available soon on the NECE Website
Focus Group “Hard-to-reach learners and youth”
10-12 July 2014, Leicester (UK)
The second workshop of the NECE Focus Group “Hard-to-reach learners and youth” will take place in Leicester (UK) at the School Development Support Agency. It aims at creating a space for exchange between the focus group members and the recently set up working groups, which will present the initial results of their work. The results of the workshop will be fed into the NECE Network and presented at the NECE Conference in Vienna in October 2014.
For more information: NECE FG Hard-to-reach learners and youth
NECE Focus Group Vote Match Europe
Launch of the New Version of Wahl-O-Mat
The NECE Focus Group "Vote Match Europe" is an international network among fourteen EU-countries. Vote Match Europe 2014 will present the same set of 15 questions to users who, after completing the Vote Match questionnaire in their own country, can click through the results screen to see which parties best represent them in other countries. The new German version of Wahl-O-Mat for the EP elections, which is part of Vote Match Europe, was launched on 28 April 2014. The following Vote Match systems will operate throughout Europe: Germany – Wahl-O-Mat, Great Britain – Vote Match UK, Belgium – De Stemtest, Poland – Laternik Wyborczy, Latvia – Pielaiko Partiju!, Greece – VoteMatch Greece, Bulgaria – Glasovoditel, Austria – Wahlkabine, Italy – VoteMatch Italy, Spain – Elecciones.es, Czech Republic – Volebnikalkulacka, Slovakia – Volebnikalkulacka, France – Votes & Vous and the Dutch StemWijzer.
For more information, go to: NECE FG Vote Match Europe or Vote Match Europe
ECFR MENA Programme
In 2011, the European Council on Foreign Relations launched its Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Programme in response to the dramatic protest movements that swept across the Arab world. The MENA Programme seeks to: contribute to a new set of North Africa and Middle East policies that support the democratic momentum in the region; transform conflict and security debates to de-escalate crises and where possible drive peace-building solutions; recalibrate EU-MENA relations; guide EU member states in their pursuit of the new opportunities created by change; and see EU member states play a more active, diplomatic and problem-solving role.
For more information: ECFR MENA
CitizensforEurope.eu launches a special European Elections Corner
The next European Parliamentary Elections are a crucial moment for the revival of the European project and development of a more cooperative European community and society, based on greater civil society participation. In view of this important European meeting, members of CitizensforEurope.eu gathered in a Task Force on EP elections, decided to contribute to the debates and to the upcoming EP elections by implementing a grant to support projects and campaigns organised in different EU countries leading up to the elections. They also launched a special website aimed at mapping and demonstrating the diversity of projects, campaigns, manifestos, tools, resources and other existing activities in Europe.
The website has just been launched and is ready and waiting to be constantly updated with your projects, campaigns, tools and manifestos. The time has come to act and change Europe from the bottom up!
If you want to share your projects for EP elections, please contact organisations@citizensforeurope.eu
Find out more at CitizensforEurope.eu
The Council of the European Union adopts new citizenship programme
In April, the Council of Ministers officially adopted the “Europe for Citizens 2014-2020” programme. The regulation will not come into effect until it is duly published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The programme guide and application forms are not due to be published until mid-May. The first deadline for submissions (originally planned for 1 March 2014) has not yet been specified by the European Commission.
For more information: Kontaktstelle EFBB
New App by the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS)
The ECI Support Centre application has been developed by the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) within the framework of the ECI Support Centre. This application allows you to check up on different European Citizens’ Initiatives (ECI), sign ECIs directly via your mobile and receive updates on everything related to ECIs such as: Searchable European Citizens’ Initiatives’ profiles, allowing you to monitor ECI’s progress and the amount of online signatures collected; graphic representations of signature-collection campaigns with the possibility to sign directly via your mobile; share your support for an initiative through social media channels; news and daily updates on ECIs and a calendar of events related to ECIs.
For more information: AppBrain
An ECI that works! Learning from the first two years of the European Citizenship Initiative
The 'ECI that works!' Team approached European Citizens` Initiative stakeholders and asked them to share their experiences and say what they think is needed for an ECI that works for EU citizens. They met last year in Brussels to contribute articles to the publication “An ECI That Works!”. Practical experience gives their voices strength and credibility. The publication was released on 15 April 2014 during ECI Day at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels. It is available both in printed form and online via the official website.
For more information: ECI That Works!
Cultural Coalition for a Citizens’ Europe
“A Soul for Europe” invites citizens to work together with their elected representatives on its programme ”A Cultural Coalition for a Citizens’ Europe" to raise awareness of Europe as a cultural project. “A Soul for Europe” invites you to join in a collaborative work process towards a European Resolution on Culture: Supporting Culture as an Instrument for Values, Democracy, and Citizenship.
For more information: A Soul for Europe
Demos: Introducing Generation Citizen (UK)
This report calls for a new narrative around today’s young people. Teenagers and teachers believe that too often policymakers and the media paint an unflattering portrait of teenagers, which impacts negatively on their ability to get a job. This research suggests that teenagers are motivated to make a difference in their community but the tools they use and the approach they take are different from those of previous generations. The report calls on policymakers to recognise these new forms of activism and engagement and ensure that all young people in the UK have an opportunity to take part in high quality social action.
For more information: DEMOS
Call to Citizenship Education Days
5-23 May 2014, Germany
The Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), the Federal Committee for Civic Education (bap), the various state agencies for Citizenship Education and the German Association for Civic Education (DVPB) are calling on all educational organisations, institutes, companies and initiatives to take part in the 10th Citizenship Education Days. These promotional days are an ideal opportunity for anyone involved in Citizenship Education. Events will be presented nationwide to the European public and the importance of Citizenship Education to any democracy will be highlighted. Spread the word about events, projects and campaigns taking place from 5 to 23 May 2014 via: Aktionstage Politische Bildung. To do so, simply register in the Events section of the Citizenship Education Days website.
More information (in German): Aktionstage Politische Bildung and the bpb website
Call for Tenders: Coordination of the Council of Europe programme of international reviews of national youth policies in 2014-2016
The Council of Europe is organising a Call for Tenders to ensure coordination of the Council of Europe programme of international reviews of national youth policies in 2014-2016. The programme 2014-2016 includes a youth policy review of Romania and two other countries, as well as compilation of a synthesis report of the youth policy reviews carried out in recent years. The deadline for submission of bids is 15 May 2014.
More information: Youth Partnership
Europe – my elections! Video and photo competition
If you are a fan of Europe, creative and under 29 years of age, you are invited to tell in a 100-second video, an image or a series of no more than 10 photos exactly why Europe appeals to you personally. Just as the idea of what Europe means is different for each individual, you have complete freedom to design your work as you see fit: as a short film, an animation, an interview or a series of photos – more than anything else, your creativity and personal opinion are called for! Deadline for submissions is 20 May 2014.
More information (in German): Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Call for films: Europe in a word
“Un peu plus tôt” is a group of a dozen young European writers, engineers, film makers and designers. In 2014, with the project Europe Moving Image, the group wants to create links between European artists (amateur or professional) who use images as a language. The call for films: Europe in a word is the first step in a longer reflection on the question of Europe and its representations. Choose a word that you associate with Europe and make your movie around it! Europe in a word is a participatory media project that invites amateur and professional film makers to describe their Europe in a word and a movie. Deadline for registration and submissions is 30 May 2014.
More information: Europe Moving Image.
Call for Papers: “Migrations of Knowledge: Potential and Limits of Knowledge Production and Critique in Europe and Africa”
The international conference “Migrations of Knowledge: Potential and Limits of Knowledge Production and Critique in Europe and Africa” will take place 3-6 December 2014 at Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg, Germany. The conference scrutinises the limits and potential of networked research between European and African universities. Such research is often framed by the European Union’s efforts to create a European model of higher education within increasingly commodified knowledge on a global scale. Hence, such research settings require analysis of the inherent power relations within (trans)local agendas and the locational significance of epistemologies and methodologies. Deadline for submissions is 30 May 2014.
More information: Refugee archives.
European citizens and the media – does communication enhance participation?
7 May 2014, Berlin (Germany)
What conditions are necessary to stimulate interest in issues concerning Europe as a whole, and foster participation in public debates on those issues by the citizens of Europe? What can be done to encourage citizens to take action? Which formats are best suited to these goals? And do differences exist among the various member states? These questions will be the focus of this conference of experts, which includes media professionals and scholars along with media labs and research institutions, foundations and citizen initiatives. This event is organised by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) and Deutsche Welle.
More information: ifa
25th EFC Annual Assembly and Conference
15-17 May 2014 in Sarajevo (Bosnia)
Situated at the crossroads of many civilisations, Sarajevo is the perfect place for foundations and their partners to discuss “Rethinking Europe: solidarity, civil society and political governance”, the theme of the 25th EFC Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Conference. Some 500 foundations, partners and local actors will convene to discuss issues such as social and economic renewal, reconciliation, health, gender, environment, peace, youth, education, the arts and media, which all play a part in building and sustaining unified, stable and peaceful societies within Europe and worldwide.
More information: EFC website
Innovative Practice and Research Trends in Identity, Citizenship and Education
12-14 June 2014, Olsztyn (Poland)
The cohesion of European societies is being fundamentally challenged. Elite definitions of citizenship are narrowing in the face of far-right challenges and socio-economic crisis. Formal citizenship education is questioned and under threat in many countries. Nevertheless, young people are responding in new and innovative ways – often drawing on new media and technology. In the light of these issues, the conference will discuss current practices and methodologies in research and education and focus on the question of how citizenship capacity is built and democratic potential unleashed.
More information: CiCe Network Conference
EuroScience Open Forum 2014
21-26 June 2014, Copenhagen (Denmark)
The EuroScience Open Forum 2014 meeting is entitled “Science Building Bridges”. The conference programme will be cross-cutting and multidisciplinary. ESOF2014 offers a platform where researchers, journalists, policymakers, students and organisations can meet and debate European research and global challenges. The vision of ESOF is to raise awareness of science among the general public and strengthen the effective “bridges” between science and society that are synonymous with Euroscience.
More information: ESOF2014
Conference on Global Citizenship Education
24-25 June 2014, Brussels (Belgium)
We are currently experiencing a transformative phase in global development practice as the ideas, visions, and goals of the Post-2015 Framework are being reviewed. DEEEP Project wants to work with you to contribute to this process and invite you to come and discuss these issues with 100 stakeholders from governments, international institutions, academia and civil society. Together we aim to develop a proposal for a Global Citizenship Education (GCE) target for the Post-2015 Framework. The deadline for registration is 14 May 2014.
More information: DEEEP Project
You can find more current publications on citizenship education in Europe at the NECE website.
You receive the NECE Newsletter because you subscribed and have confirmed that you wish to receive information about the NECE-Networking European Citizenship Education initiative. If you would like to unsubscribe, please click here.
The NECE Newsletter is published regularly and distributed via e-mail. It is available to anyone on the www.nece.eu website. The newsletter is published by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), which is responsible for its content according to definitions laid down by the German Telemedia Act.
Further contact information:
German Federal Agency for Civic Education
Adenauerallee 86
53113 Bonn (Germany
www.bpb.de / www.nece.eu
If you have any questions please e-mail to: nece@lab-concepts.de
The NECE newsletter contains information about current professional debates in the field of citizenship education in Europe. We hope it will serve as an important tool of communication and co-operation among stakeholders and institutions in Europe actively engaged in citizenship education. Our aim is to increase transparency for national actors in this field and for the growing NECE network.