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NECE 2016 „Crossing Borders. Migration and Citizenship Education in Europe“
10-12 November, 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
The next NECE conference will be held from 10-12 November 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia (Lisinski Concert Hall) under the title: "Crossing Borders. Migration and Citizenship Education in Europe". Registration for the conference is open now. Participation is free, and includes a reception, coffee breaks and meals. Accommodation in Zagreb and travel costs to and from the event will not be covered by NECE. We look forward to great inputs and lively debates with speakers David Goodhart (UK), Antonija Petričušić (Croatia), Jan Schneider (Germany), Noah El-Mikawy (Egypt), Anna-Mária Bíró (Hungary), Michalis Kakos (UK), David Kerr (UK) and many other participants!
Further information and the most recent draft of the programme is available at: www.nece.eu.
Expert Workshop in Ljubljana
At a laboratory focussed on the theory behind this year’s NECE Conference in Zagreb, the NECE initiative hosted the Expert Workshop "Crossing Borders. Migration and Citizenship Education in Europe" from 8-10 July 2016 in Ljubljana (Slovenia).
You’ll find documentation of that productive meeting here.
Keeping up the tradition, NECE is running a conference blog. The blog will not only provide live documentation of the Zagreb conference but will help you familiarise with the upcoming conference beforehand. It’ll keep you updated with content-related input as well as organizational information and serves as a space for interaction. Make sure to check it out frequently and leave your comments!
Find out more here.
What directions will Europe and the EU take after Brexit? What are the consequences of Brexit for citizenship education in the UK and the rest of Europe? How should we react to the Brexit shock? We posed those and other questions to experts who work within the NECE framework. To help spark the debate, here are some of their responses:
Brexit and what it means for Europe
To many continental Europeans it came as a complete surprise when the grand old United Kingdom suddenly became a real-life satire in the aftermath of the EU membership referendum. But Brexit raises some fundamental questions for the EU as a whole, and the remaining member states have to work harder to keep the promise of prosperity, security, and cohesion of the EU-27. Analysis by Almut Möller, European council of Foreign Relations.
Read more at http://blog.nece.eu/node/345.
Bryony Hoskins, University of Roehampton, UK:
“One of the key aspects that the UK Brexit vote highlighted was the feeling – particularly within the less wealthy groups in society – that they were suffering unfairly due to austerity measures, and had limited say in their lives. The Leave campaign, backed by the media, identified migrants as the underlying cause for their lack of access to services, changes to their local communities and their limited individual life chances. A vote to leave was said to be a vote to ‘take back control’ from the elite, and to stop migration both from within and outside the EU.
The implications for Citizenship policy and practice are the need to reduce the feelings of exclusion from decision-making processes by putting European Participatory and Active Citizenship back at the top of the policy agenda…so bringing ordinary citizens back into the decision-making processes at all levels of governance.”
Find out more at
Dr Michalis Kakos, Leeds Beckett University, UK:
“For democracy, this seems to have been a summer of bewilderment: apart from knowing very little about the route that lies ahead, citizens (particularly young ones, I suspect) seem to be standing undecided about whether the referendum has been a celebration of democracy or the coup de grâce to their interest in traditional politics. I think that particularly effective in generating such feelings and confusion have been the suggestions that the referendum has brought the ‘wrong’ result, and that citizens should not be asked for their opinion in the first place.
The question about whether democratic processes can lead to bad decisions is not new. The downfall of Athenian democracy itself was largely the outcome of similar choices, one of which led to the disastrous Sicilian expedition. But the questions remain: Are there ‘wrong’ outcomes in democracy? And if so, what does this mean for democracy itself? I guess the answer to the first question depends on one’s standpoint – whether this is historic, current, political, social or other.”
Find out more at
http://blog.nece.eu/node/341 .
I want my country back
Article by Laurie Penny
Britain’s decision to leave the EU came as a shock to the many people who had refused to even entertain the idea that Brexit was a possibility. According to columnist and author Laurie Penny in the New Statesman, “This was never a referendum on the EU. It was a referendum on the modern world.” In a biting commentary on 24 June, Penny elaborates on Britain’s decision, the consequences for the state and for personal identities, and the hows and whys of what she thinks went horribly wrong. Her voice provides a very private and unique view on how it must feel to be British and anti-Brexit after the vote.
Read the full article here:
Young Arab Voices (YAV)
‘Young Arab Voices’ (YAV) is a regional program aimed at developing skills and opportunities for a youth-led debate across the Arab region, and supporting youth to speak up and be heard. Jointly launched in 2011 by the Anna Lindh Foundation and British Council, YAV has already involved more than 80,000 young people in debating activities across Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. The program is built and delivered through partnerships with universities, schools and NGOs, ensuring the involvement of young people from diverse social and geographical backgrounds.
Find out more here.
Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives
This publication is a collaborative project between Brussels-based think tank Bruegel and the OCP Policy Center, a Moroccan policy-oriented think tank based in Rabat. The two organizations, whose research has already addressed issues of prime importance to the Mediterranean region, have now launched a “Platform for Advanced & Emerging Economies Policy Dialogue”. The publication is made up of four articles that are elaborated and prepared by different researchers and writers, each examining different aspects of Mediterranean–European relations. Among the topics: Rising youth unemployment and its long-term implications for Europe, as well as the bilateral relations between Europe and the Arab world in the areas of trade, migration, investment and energy.
Find out more here.
EuroMed Youth Programme
This programme promotes the mobility of young people and international understanding through three types of actions: Euro-Med Youth Exchanges, Euro-Med Youth Voluntary Service, and Euro-Med Youth Training and Networking (Seminars for Making Contacts, Study Visits, Training Courses and Seminars).
During Phase IV of the programme, around 100 projects are expected to receive funding. These projects are to be submitted by promoter organizations in response to the call for proposals issued by Euro-Med Youth Units. Participants will come from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Tunisia and Israel. Syria is not taking part in the programme.
Find out more here.
Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI): The Road to Citizenship Education in Egypt
In 2015, the Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI) conducted a qualitative study on citizenship education in Egypt, with a special focus on efforts in the non-formal sector. The final version of "The Road to Citizenship Education in Egypt" was published in 2016. It was realized in partnership with the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) and the Egyptian Youth Federation (EYF).
Find out more here.
Windows into Protest
This project is taking place in partnership with three countries where protest has assumed very different faces: Ukraine, Turkey and the UK. It focuses on three public squares that have significant histories in the main cities of these three countries, as well as present-day relevance to their urban populations. Although the types and topics of protest that have taken place appear quite diverse on the surface, all share some common themes. One in particular is how urban populations feel disenfranchised by local authorities/government. ’Windows into Protest’ was developed and produced by Kettle Partnership, a social enterprise company based in London.
Find out more here.
WeMove.EU is a citizens’ movement that campaigns for a better Europe – for a European Union committed to social and economic justice, environmental sustainability and citizen-led democracy. Its members are people from all walks of life who call Europe home – whether they were born in Europe or elsewhere. Many citizens today feel powerless to affect the decisions made by distant European institutions or by national governments. WeMove.EU aims to bring them together to push the EU to make better decisions.
Find out more here.
New Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competencies for Democratic Culture
Contemporary societies in Europe face many challenges, including declining levels of voter turnout in elections, increasing distrust in politicians, high levels of hate crime, intolerance and prejudice towards minority ethnic and religious groups, and growing levels of support for violent extremism. This book presents a new conceptual model of the competencies that citizens need to have to participate in democratic culture and live peacefully together with others in culturally diverse societies. The result of two years of intensive work, the model has been strongly endorsed after international consultations with leading educational experts.
Find out more here.
Bookmarks – Combating Hate Speech Online through Human Rights Education
Hate speech is one of the most worrying forms of racism and discrimination prevailing across Europe, and it has been amplified by the expansion of the Internet and social media platforms. Hate speech online is the visible tip of the iceberg of intolerance and ethnocentrism. Europe needs young people to care and look after human rights, which are democracy’s life insurance policy. ‘Bookmarks’ is published to support the ‘No Hate Speech Movement’ youth campaign for human rights online set up by the Council of Europe. The handbook is also useful for educators wanting to address hate speech online from a human rights perspective, both inside and outside the formal education system.
To help celebrate the 60th anniversary of Austria’s joining the Council of Europe, ‘Bookmarks’ was also recently translated into German.
The handbook is also available in English and French here.
What Is Populism?
Donald Trump, Silvio Berlusconi, Marine Le Pen, Hugo Chávez – populist politicians continue to gain ground on mainstream opponents across the globe. But what exactly is populism? Is everyone who criticizes Wall Street or Washington a ‘populist’? What precisely is the difference between right-wing and left-wing populism? Does populism bring governments closer to their citizens, or does it pose a threat to democracy? Who are "the people" anyway, and who has the right to speak in their name? These questions have never been more pressing. In this work, Jan-Werner Müller (who spoke at NECE conferences in 2014 and 2015) argues that a rejection of pluralism lies at the heart of populism. Populists, he says, will always claim that they and they alone represent the people and their true interests.
Find out more about the book
International Studies in Sociology of Education
Special Issue: Call for Papers
Deadline: 30 November 2016
“Migration, Borders, and Education: International Sociological Inquiries”
We live in a time of intensive global migration and movement of people, goods and capital. It’s also an era in which the predominance of the nation state – with governable borders – is drawing increasing political attention and traction. This is perhaps most significantly highlighted in the contemporary refugee crisis, which has seen some migrants massed in camps along national borders, and others forcibly detained in refugee detention centres. We welcome articles that use sociological methods to examine issues of migration, borders and education. Papers can address any national or transnational context, and can be empirical and/or theoretical in approach.
Find out more here.
European Media Freedom Conference
Leipzig, Germany, 6-7 October 2016
The media in Europe faces many threats. People who work in the sector are under pressure from populist movements, at times endangered by international terrorism or even anti-terrorism laws, and struggling with the issue of self-censorship when faced with economic pressure, organised crime and the at times massive influence exerted by governments. Single media providers all on their own are not powerful enough to face down these challenges – but a strong network is. At the 2nd European Media Freedom Conference, we invite you to explore and strengthen media freedom networks. Join us to learn, discuss and get actively involved in delivering practical solutions – backed up by the power of the crowd.
Find out more here.
Euroland Agora #1
Athens, Greece, 7-10 October 2016 Euroland Agora is a blended system of representation for the citizens of the Eurozone. It provides a modern pathway for empowering democracy and active participation, enabling citizens to contribute to policy- and decision-making through an innovative combination of connective possibilities and debate. A laboratory for democratic participation, the platform sees the Eurozone as fertile soil for initiating political and democratic integration in Europe. Based on this idea, it aims to contribute to the emergence of a democratic Euroland at the heart of the EU by innovatively building on modern technologies, and seeking to combine democracy and transnationality.
Find out more here.
Mediterranean Forum 2016
Valletta, Malta, 24-25 October 2016
Organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation, the Euro-Mediterranean Forum on Intercultural Dialogue is the most influential event of its kind in the field. It brings together a unique network of practitioners, policymakers, media and international donors to create real and lasting change in dealing with the region’s biggest problems. This year’s Forum will highlight and accelerate the importance of intercultural encounter and exchange, and actively seek to counter forces that are fuelling polarisation and extremism. The long-term goal is to create “a common space of peace, stability and economic prosperity” to cope with challenges like the migrant crisis, climate change, youth unemployment and radicalisation.
Find out more here.
World Forum for Democracy: Democracy and Equality – Does Education Matter?
Strasbourg, France, 7-9 November 2016 The 2016 World Forum for Democracy will focus on the relationship between education and democracy. Education is central to democratic societies. Schools, universities, civil society organisations and other learning institutions should encourage the acquisition and practice of the values and skills that are essential for democracy. This event will focus on how education can help bridge social divides, and become a real asset for our diverse democracies. The Forum is organized by the Council of Europe.
Find out more here.
You can find more current publications on citizenship education in Europe at the NECE website.
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The NECE Newsletter is published regularly and distributed via e-mail. It is available to anyone on the www.nece.eu website. The newsletter is published by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), which is responsible for its content according to definitions laid down by the German Telemedia Act.
Further contact information:
German Federal Agency for Civic Education
Adenauerallee 86
53113 Bonn (Germany
www.bpb.de / www.nece.eu
If you have any questions please e-mail to: nece@lab-concepts.de
The NECE newsletter contains information about current professional debates in the field of citizenship education in Europe. We hope it will serve as an important tool of communication and co-operation among stakeholders and institutions in Europe actively engaged in citizenship education. Our aim is to increase transparency for national actors in this field and for the growing NECE network.